Online Platform
The networking component will enable users to contact key people who can share their knowledge and experiences as well as create communities that share the same interests, where user-generated content can be posted. Based on the information provided via the form, the platform will suggest to you story-tellers follow and people to connect with. Using the platform, you can become an official ambassador by following a tailored story-telling training pack. The platform enables content editors to create various multimedia training material which can be managed via the content management platform.
You can view our activities here.
Online Training for Storytelling
This component is based on project result 2 and its goal is the production of a storytelling online training.
The 2nd project result is the creation of Storytelling Training Content, in the form of a participative theatre workshop for a punctual collection of the most significant real stories of artists and activists from IIWW, Cypriot-Turkish Dispute, Northern Ireland Conflict, and the Spanish Civil War to promote a deeper cultural awareness with a range of communities. The Remembrance Storytelling Workshop (25 July 2022) are accesible from the following links.
Digital Book
Digital Book
The digital book consisted of stories of resistance as part of the cultural heritage remembrance from each partner country. The book displays the profiles of the
storytellers as well as the stories themselves presented in a visually appealing manner. The user is able to interact with the stories in a simple and intuitive way following an innovative, artistically designed experience.
You can access our Digital Book from the following links:

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