Project Partners
The consortium
European partners from Spain, Poland, Ireland and Cyprus and Greece come together to develop an on-line digital resource which will include an innovative training approach to highlight important learnings from cultural heritage remembrance.

University of Thessaly
University of Thessaly (UTH), with 37 Departments, and 8 schools is a University with its own identity and with a prominent position in our national educational system. University of Thessaly provides undergraduate and postgraduate programs and extra-curricular modules in specific research and business fields, for over 43.000 students. The experienced team of UTH has participated with great success in a large number of programs related to human rights, NEETS enhancement and support, innovative educational material production training, social inclusion, entrepreneurship, mobility and well-being.
University of Humanities and Economics in Lodz
The University of Humanities and Economics in Lodz (AHE) is an accredited higher education institution, which in addition to traditional university programmes (BA. MA, MSc, PHD) provides also postgraduates studies and courses for various target groups. As one of the largest private universities in Poland, AHE has 23 faculties and offers a wide choice of subjects, over 100 courses, including 5 of them in English. The university focuses on educational research, innovative teaching, methodologies, and e-learning.

Smashing Times
Smashing Times is an award-winning professional theatre and film company involved in performance, training, and participation. Smashing Times has worked for over 20 years in peace building and education, using high quality creative processes to promote peace, gender equality and human rights. The company has a solid track record in the successful implementation of large scale transnational and national projects.
Instalofi Levante S.L. – FyG Consultores
Instalofi Levante S.L. – FyG Consultores (FYG) is a private educational and training organisation, that promotes the local labour market as well as a lifelong learning process of adults, companies and young people. Founded in 2001, is present also on international markets acting actively in the area of internationalisation strategy advisors, helping companies to define strategies that allow them to grow in foreign markets and international business. The wide experience in EU projects design and development in programs like Erasmus+, Horizon2020, COSME, Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs, AMIF, allows the continuous development of educational programmes

University of Cyprus
The University of Cyprus (UCY) is a relatively young University, established in 1989 as the first University in Cyprus with the aim to become a leading educational and research institution, distinguishing itself internationally through the promotion of scholarship and being recognized as an institution of excellence in the Mediterranean region. UCY has vast experience in running small but also large-scale research projects both national and international and currently delivers up to 153 externally funded research projects, 136 are EU-funded projects under Horizon 2020, Erasmus+, Justice, Life, Cost Action, FP7, and Interreg

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